We have specialized facility to carry out Concrete mix design in our lab. Concrete Mix Design is performed to ensure all the constituents of concrete are mixed in proper proportions to give a desired result.


We have specialized facility to carry out Concrete mix design in our lab. Concrete Mix Design is performed to ensure all the constituents of concrete are mixed in proper proportions to give a desired result. The main constituents of concrete are:

1) Cement
2) Water
3) Aggregates
4) Admixtures

The mix design is carried out using ACI method. The constituents are prepared according to the specifications given by the client. After mixing the contents accordingly for usually three trials, slump test is carried out after each of the trial to ensure that required workability has been achieved. The concrete is then poured into the cylindrical or cubical moulds and is allowed to cure in normal drinking water tank. The compressive specimen for each trial is tested after 7 days which is later confirmed at 28 days. The report also provides the details of proportion of sand, crush, cement by volume and weight; water-cement ratio and quantity of admixture.