Pakistan Defence Officers Housing Authority (DHA) has embarked upon the construction of Creek View Hut, Phase-VIII, DHA, Karachi. The proposed structure will be located in the proximity of Creek Marina and adjacent to the DHA Golf Club. Creek View Hut will be constructed partly on land and partly offshore in the Creek.
In order to obtain geotechnical information about the substrata and to plan and design the foundations, a program of geotechnical investigation was undertaken by Geotechnical Services. The investigation program consisted of drilling two boreholes, at locations given by the Consultants, with each borehole drilled up to a depth of 35.0m. One borehole was drilled on land while the other borehole was drilled offshore in the Creek.
Off shore drilling was performed by employing a rotary drilling rig mounted on a floating platform. The platform comprised of a steel pontoon. The pontoon was tugged by a motor boat to borehole location and secured in position with eight anchors tied with 30mm diameter ropes. A 150mm diameter steel casing was lowered to the seabed and driven to the required depth.
In order to obtain geotechnical information about the substrata and to plan and design the foundations, a program of geotechnical investigation was undertaken by Geotechnical Services. The investigation program consisted of drilling two boreholes, at locations given by the Consultants, with each borehole drilled up to a depth of 35.0m. One borehole was drilled on land while the other borehole was drilled offshore in the Creek.
Off shore drilling was performed by employing a rotary drilling rig mounted on a floating platform. The platform comprised of a steel pontoon. The pontoon was tugged by a motor boat to borehole location and secured in position with eight anchors tied with 30mm diameter ropes. A 150mm diameter steel casing was lowered to the seabed and driven to the required depth.